What energy drinks can do to your body

Link to article: http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/26/health/energy-drinks-health-concerns-explainer/index.html


        In an article posted last week, CNN talked about the what effect drinking energy drinks can do to your body. The article contains both negative and positive points as to what can happen if you consumed an energy drink. Dr. John Higgins speaks on how energy drinks contains taurine, which is an amino acid that is found in fish and meat, as well as l-carnitine, which helps our bodies turn fat into energy. As for the negatives, there are concerns for the amount of energy drinks for certain people. These people include children under the age of 18, pregnant women, as well as people who take medications such as adderall for Attention Deficit disorder. Other factors the article includes are having arteries lock up and having a rapid heartbeat. As for the effects energy drinks can have on the brain, too much consumption includes anxiety, muscle twitching and inexhaustibility.

    Final Thoughts:

       Considering we just finished up talking about hunger, I felt this article was a perfect fit to discuss how consuming a food or beverage can affect the body. As a person who use to drink energy drinks, I can say firsthand that there are health factors involved with consuming them. Luckily, the only symptoms I experience were shaking hands and arms and nothing serious occurred. I feel like this article would be great use a research for anyone who wants to know about the dangers of energy drinks. Overall, I enjoyed reading this article about how consuming too much caffeine can cause the body to react in a negative way.


  1. I think this is a great article considering many young people, especially college students, rely on high levels of caffeine and energy drinks in order to get themselves through the day. I personally do not believe that the extra energy boost is worth the health effects. This article clearly states that energy drinks can greatly impact the functioning of the heart, the amount of sleep a person gets, and mental health and cause. These drinks seem counterproductive if they just end up causing anxiety to those consuming these drinks. I think it would be beneficial for researchers to explore the long term effects associated with energy drinks and high levels of caffeine consumption on the health of college students and young adults.

  2. Great article topic. I believe when talking about energy drinks, it is important to discuss what type of energy drink is being consumed. For example, the "Monster" drink can cause wild fluctuations in your blood sugar and your sleep habits. If you have other health problems, such as diabetes or heart disease, Monster drinks can make those problems worse. However, "Gatorade" helps with energy and preventing and treating dehydration. However, same with "Monster", too much of "Gatorade" can be a bad thing too.

  3. Warning other health risks may include: feeling awesome, tooth decay, giving you a little kick in your step before going out on the town, and making vodka not suck. I used to drink zero calorie energy drinks nearly daily for a few years, I never really experienced any of experienced any negative side effects. That being said I was not diabetic, under 18 years old, intolerant of stimulants, or, to the best of my knowledge, a pregnant woman. Although I wasn't measuring my blood sugar, I don't believe it fluctuated very much because I was able to maintain I pretty lean body mass and maintain high energy levels throughout the day. This most likely because the type of energy drinks I used were low to zero carb, which means it they had little to no glucose, in addition to not have any fats or proteins. It's also important to note that most if not all stimulants work to inhibit hunger.

  4. I too was a daily drinker of energy drinks not Iong ago and experienced little of the noted side effects other than maybe the slightest of anxiety. I did become tolerant and reliant on them needing more just to maintain my energy level. However with that being said that doesn't mean someone won't experience any of the negative side effects. Some people can smoke a pack a day and love long healthy(ish) lives while others may see the worst of them. I too love the relevance of the article end it was something to keep in mind with finals coming up.

  5. It was interesting to learn about the differences that energy drinks can have on your body versus your brain specifically. I work at Sheetz where we sell multiple kinds of energy drinks, as well as consuming them with my coworkers. When people speak of why energy drinks are bad they always tend to mention your heart and how it will damage that, and not your brain. I have never experienced any negative effects from drinking an energy drink, but this may due to my low intake of them. It would be very interesting to do an experiment on the specific effect each energy drink does, and seeing if they have the same level of damage.


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