Students’ Brains Sync Up When They’re in an Engaging Class, Neuroscience Shows Read more: Give the gift of Smithsonian magazine for only $12! Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter\


In this study, senior high school students and a teacher were given portal EEG headsets that would run and analyze their brain activity during class instruction. The study found that if the students and teacher were all more engaged, the students' brain activity actually synced up together. However, while students who considered themselves a group and actually enjoyed the class synced up, the students who did not associate themselves as in a group and less interested were not as synced. They used this research to help understand the efficiency of teachers and the level of comprehension of the material by the students. Having this information can further the success of students through communication of their brains. The portable EEG technology is growing to be a more common and accessible product to further understand our brain in daily activities that we do not often think of.


I did not know that this sort of technology was becoming so readily available. I think this is something that may become new age in school systems to test students' abilities and needs for each individual's learning style. Although students are now broken into groups of below grade level, on grade level, and above grade level, I believe that this technology can take it to the next step. These methods may also be helpful in studying early onset Alzheimer's or helping predict Alzheimer's disease in those that have family members with the disease. Overall, I think that this technology will help those who have trouble learning and help them figure out the best method of learning for optimal retention of material. Considering our brain activity shows a lot about us as humans and our reactions, I hope to see further studies involving the portable EEG. I think some possibilities of this technology could be helping those with brain injuries in crucial situations or even spread to places who lack a lot of technology for the brain.


  1. I agree with everything you said. I feel as though this could be very helpful in figuring out the best method of learning for each individual. I would also like to see more studies done in the future to have a better understanding of how this could possibly help students figure out the best learning style for them.

  2. I feel with this technology, we can take another step in ensuring that all children can excel in the classroom. I also like how you looked further into this and wondered how these portal EEG headsets could predict early onset Alzheimer's.

  3. Did the article explain what was meant by "syncing up"? this seems like interesting research. I would like to know how peoples brains interact in other types of social situations, like family interactions, or creative activities.


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