3D Model of NFL Player's Brain Reconstruct's Moment of Impact

It should not be a surprise to anyone that collisions that occur on the football field have major repercussions on the body and the brain. Researchers at Imperial College London have constructed a study that to get a more enhanced look at the relationship between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) by modelling what happens to the brain when football players collide. The model shows the deformation of brain tissue that occurs during a collision between two football players, along with what happens during a ground-level fall and a motorcycle accident.

Through this model, the researchers at Imperial College London have been able to successfully replicate when the brain is first deformed on impact. They explain how the structure of the brain mirrors that of jelly, and blows to the head shake the brain. The team also discovered how the location and of the blow on impact can have a significant influence on the injury later on when CTE develops. They plan to use the models they have constructed to aide and improve headgear given to American football players.

I am a big football fan, and issues dealing with players suffering from head injuries is always a concern for everyone on a team. I thought this article did a very nice job explaining exactly what is being damaged inside the brain and how devastating the effects can be. It was also nice to know that this research will hopefully help lead to more protective gear to prevent, or atleast minimize, instances such as TBI or CTE in football players.



  1. I love that you made a post about this issue. Football is so popular in our culture, and I think people fail to see how much it can impact the player physically as well as emotionally and behaviorally. There have been many instances of past football players committing suicide or going "off their rocker" for no apparent reason, and luckily because of research like the above article, we are able to make the connection between these unexpected traumatic behaviors and repeated traumatic impact on the brain. I think this is an issue that people should think more about, and instead of denying the fact, we should be putting more toward optimal protection for the players and their brains.

  2. I also agree that it is really important to make more people aware of this issue. Football players are risking a potential brain injury whenever they step onto the field and that is very dangerous. Research like this is extremely important to enhance the quality of the helmets and padding used so players know that they will be as safe as possible.

  3. I agree as well. Advances in protective equipment for these athletes is crucial for football's survival. The severe, long-term head trauma that a large number of NFL players obtain during their careers outweighs their salaries. You're seeing players retire before the age of 27 due to recurring brain trauma, so I believe that finding a way to prevent or lessen the chances of TBI or CTE through equipment is a much safer alternative than simple rule changes that don't work.

  4. What an interesting article! I think this is such an important issue to think about because football is such a prominent part of our culture and people really tend to admire and look up to the players. They really risk their bodies and health through careers on the field and it makes me wonder if this is why so many players have to retire at younger ages than your average person.

  5. As a football fan myself, It's always to sad to see and hear about a player dealing with brain injuries. It's understandable why parents fear their children wanting to play football out of concern for their well-being. It's nice to know that football players (and other athletes) have decided to donate their brains for CTE research when they are no longer with us. Thanks posting this article!


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