Video Games Help Model Brain's Neurons


In this article, the author shows video games aren't bad after all. In recent research, video games can actually help model an individual brain neurons. A computer science professor developed games in collaboration with an individual from the institute for brain science in order to seek better knowledge of the brain. The goal is to help researchers understand the cause of neurodegenative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, by cataloging neuron structures. Games like "Eye Wire" uses players mapping retinal neurons as a way to unlock mysteries.

This article did an amazing job taking a topic that many think is not "healthy for your child", and broke it down in ways that show video games aren't bad after all. For example, my baby brother stays up all night long playing video games so this article definitely sparked my interest. This article was very informative; therefore, I would recommend this article specifically to teenage boys' parents. I was really surprised to find out video games help with reconstructions of neurons. Also, I think it is amazing to know researchers are out there trying to find different methods to understand diseases such as Parkinson and Alzheimer's'.


  1. This article sounds very interesting. My little brother as well stays up all night playing video games, he is not athletic at all but video games help him learn a lot about technology and engineering. He is able to solve problems very quickly just like decisions he makes in video games. Not all games are bad for young people.


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