Live animal gene editing study just successful eliminated HIV-1 infection

Article summary: They have not discovered a permanent cure to HIV, however in the article I read researchers at temple university and at the university of Pittsburgh have show the capability to rid the genomes of living animals of HIV DNA. This assist in preventing further infection and has been successful in what is considered a humanized model in which they transplanted human immune cells into a mouse and infected it with the HIV virus. With this success they are now using this momentum to move forward to primate studies, all this is done in hopes of finding a permanent cure for HIV.

Reflection: I found this article to be amazingly interesting! This really novel and ground breaking research seeing as they are the first to demonstrate the HIV replication can be stopped and eliminated from infected cells. Not only is this novel research but this is important research HIV is a very detrimental disease that if not properly managed is fatal, if we can find a cure to HIV many lives can be saved and many future infections prevented. I am interested to see if they are able to replicate the findings in primate studies and if they do how long would it be till they could try human studies?


  1. The information this article provides is absolutely groundbreaking! To avoid sounding corny, I am constantly amazed by the advances scientists are able to make to better our world and humanity. I think this is a huge step for finding a permanent cure for HIV, and I have faith that we will experience this discovery in our lifetime, at least I certainly hope so because this is amazing.


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