"Afterglow" helps couples over time


Research shows that after sex, couples experience something called a sexual "afterglow" that lasts for up to two days. Sexual satisfaction is connected with relationship satisfaction. Two studies were conducted in which newlywed participants were asked to report on their relationship on a 7 point scaale (1- not satisfied, 7- extremely satisfied). They reported on their satisfaction with their partner, their relationship, and their marriage for 14 days. Although the average amount of days couples had sex was low, the couple still continued to rate their sexual satisfaction as a high number days after they had sex. Thus, this introduces the concept of a sexual "afterglow". This phenomenon also indicated higher ratings of marital satisfaction.

I help out couples in my friend group all the time. However, I never helped them out by telling them that they need to have better sex. This article is very interesting because it proves that sex is very important in a relationship. It can make or break it. Great sex will increase your chances of having a great marriage. Thus, bad sex or sexual dissatisfaction may cause problems in a relationship. Is a real emotional connection between two people enough to have a successful relationship without sexual satisfaction.


  1. Ohhhh so that's what you call it.

  2. I really like this idea a lot. I was always under the impression that sex should not make or break the relationship,but I guess I was wrong. I wonder if it is the actual act of having sex or the emotional connection between partners that cause this "afterglow". It would be interesting to do another study and compare couples to singles that have about the same amount of sex and see how they rate their satisfaction with life in general.

  3. I generally refer to this as the "postgame" with my wife. joking aside,, I have seen similar studies covering the same topic and have had similar results but the more descriptive portion of this is the two day time period they put after the occasion. Interesting article thanks for sharing !

  4. When I read the title of this article, it made me think of the "glow" that pregnant mothers seem to be told that they have while pregnant. I think it is pretty self explanatory that if you and your partner have a good sex life then your relationship will be stronger. I think that an "afterglow" is just your emotional feelings bursting out, and its all psychological. I like Naje's idea to do an experiment with single people versus relationships, but also maybe seeing if it is likely that one person can have the "afterglow" while the other does not.

  5. This concept is very interesting and completely see how sex with your loved one can affect your relationship. In my opinion, I think a lot of it has to do with the emotional connection that a couple shares during sex.

  6. Very interesting read, I think that sex does have a role and factor in a relationship. But I do not think that alone should be a factor to really determines one's disconnectedness or dissatisfaction in a relationship or marriage. I agree that it helps keep a relationship happy, but to make it or break it seems a little extreme, I think that relationships have more to just sex. If sex is bad, do I necessarily have to leave my partner or mean that I don't love them or even determine that my relationship is going to be "bad"? I understand the concept, but I think that it goes in much deeper to just "sex", more like an emotional connection during sex maybe?


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