Silent Hippocampal Seizures Recorded in Brains of Alzheimer’s Patients


Summary: This study examined two patients, both women in their 60's, who showed signed of Alzheimer's disease and met criteria biologically and physically for it. The researches found that their symptoms fluctuated much more than usual and were able to determine that seizures were occurring in the hippocampus that were not detectable through an EEG. Researched found that through treatment for seizures, the periods of confusion disappeared and only returned when the woman forgot to take her medication. This is very early research for what could possibly be a major breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Reflection: I find this research to be pretty comforting and I think others may find it to be as well. Everyone knows someone who has a relative suffering from a disease like this in their old age or are related to someone them self. This study gives hope to those who suffer and their families for successful treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's disease.


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