Link Between Social Network Structure and Brain Activity

This article talks about a neruoimaging study that analyzes the effects of social inclusion versus exclusion on brain activity. Just like a social network, your brain is its own network, and there is now research confirming that both of these networks influence and inform each other. There is evidence showing that those with closer-knot social circles had less differences in the mentalizing system and connectivity, than those who had a wider social circle. Essentially this means that the brain is used and responds differently based on the type of social network surrounding it. This has been a topic of discussion a lot in sociology, but now neuroscientists are wondering "How do your brain dynamics affect your social network and how does your social network affect your brain?"

I was very interested in this article. I used to be a Sociology major so I have read about this topic before and I am glad that neuroscientists are now getting involved in figuring our what affects what. It is important to recognize that there is a biological response or reason behind practically everything that we experience. This information is relevant to what we learn in class because we talk about the brain constantly: its different pathways and what is the end result of those pathways, as well as external and internal influences.


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