Nerve cell miswiring linked to depression

Link to Article:

"Nerve cell miswiring linked to depression."

Article Summary:
This article summarized a recent discovery about the brain's "wiring" and its role in mood disorders. Specifically, this research examined "crossed wires" in mice and their relationship with depression. Efficient signaling in the brain is required for chemicals like serotonin to be released. In order to achieve efficient signalling, the proper spacing between axon tips is required. This new research found that when this spacing was disrupted, it caused serotonin-signalling circuits to disassemble. They examined this issue in mice, noting depression-like behavior among those exhibiting this neural network malfunction. The disassembly of the serotonin-signalling circuits caused an uneven distribution of serotonin in mice that would give up on swimming for survival. In other words, these mice were "suicidal."

It is important to understand that future research in humans would examine the same axon-tangling and its relationship with symptoms of depression. This topic relates to what we discussed in class regarding emotion regulation. However, this research suggests a biological approach into the field of mental disorders and possibly a solution for those struggling with depression-related issues. There is concern that this could be a genetic issue, suggesting that future research should focus on genetic factors instead of chemical levels.  In other words, it may not be a serotonin deficiency, but an issue with serotonin distribution.


  1. This research makes a lot of sense and seems very important to learning more about the biological and possibly genetic links to depression and even other disorders. I hope to see more research in the future in regards to the possible genetic links to this miswiring problem.

  2. I thought this research was very interesting because at least for me it was the first time I heard that depression was not just being caused by some sort of chemical imbalance. This research is the first I have read on the subject that shows why that chemical imbalance is happening in the brain. I have a family history of depression so to know that more is becoming known about the disorder and what causes it and subsequently how to treat it better is very exciting to me.


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