Your Dog Remembers What You Did

The article discusses how dogs may also have episodic memory. The Dogs were trained to imitate human behavior using the “Do as I Do” method. Which is when the dog is trained to perform an action then the owner or researcher commands them to “Do it”. The dogs were tested after a minute and an hour later, which were a short and long interval. The study found that the seventeen dogs were able to recall the actions when requested to imitate. After long periods of time, the dog’s behavior to imitate did decrease.
I found this article very interesting since I have three dogs. It also relates to what we started learning in class, about how memory works. I don't think we often think about how animals are similar to us, we are so used to having them as pets that we often don't think about how our actions can affect them. I think a lot of the students can try this out with their pets.


  1. I found this article interesting because I also have a dog and I have noticed that he imitated what he sees me and my family members do throughout the house. If we lay down then so does he. It's interesting to see that they can still recall the motions after long periods of time.

  2. I always enjoy reading articles about animals because I love to learn about how smart they are. I found this article really interesting because I have definitely seen firsthand how animals can imitate humans. For example, when I am at my aunt's house, her two dogs will lay down with us in the living room if we are all laying down watching tv. It has gotten to the point where if someone simply stands in the living room, the dogs will come and lay down because they think that is what we are about to do.

  3. I never really recognized that my dog will imitate my behavior sometimes until reading this article. My dog will repeat simple things that I do like if I stick my arm out to him, he will do it back. Or if I sit down he will come over and sit down. I did not think about how my dog was imitating me.


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