Insight into Alzheimer's Disease

  Scientists may have found a way to predict the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Inflammation and tau oligomers, a protein that helps form the path ways for the cell to receive nutrients and to dispose of waste. The toxic protein will clump together preventing nutrients from getting where they need to be, and eventually because of this causes the brain cells to die. The inflammation caused from the toxic tau protein also bonds together, breaking connections in the brain which also lead to Alzheimer's disease. The article also discusses how doctors doing routine checks on the back of ones eyes can help detect other health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Which also in turn could lead to the disease.
  I found this article spoke to me because my Grandmother had Alzheimer's disease. If possible to find more information on this neurodegenerative disease we can slowly find more ways to Combat it. In the earlier chapters of class we learned how important synapses and neural pathways are to communication. Noticing those deteriorations can really improve the fight for cures and treatments.


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