Obesity and Gilal cells


Gilal cells are used to insulate and support neurons.  Studies have show that obesity leads to increased activation of glial cells in the hypothalamus. Two more recents studies were conducted in order to support this theory. In the first study, researchers used genetic to remove insulin receptors from astrocytes. They then used  positron emission tomography imaging. It revealed that these mice did not have enough glucose reaching their brains, so they were unable to adjust the amount they ate to balance the sugar level. In the second study, researchers removed insulin and leptin from astrocytes. The results showed that hormones work together to regulate metabolism.

I choose this articles because I know a lot of friends and family who suffer from obesity. Some people like blame the person for being obese. When in reality, hormones play a role in metabolism as well.  I also have struggled with weight issues in the past. I hope this article gives people some insight on obesity. That way, they may think twice for blaming the person.


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