Mixing Energy Drinks and Alcohol May Affect Adolescent Brains Like Cocaine

This article is about the relationship of mixing energy drinks and alcohol on mice. According to study, when the mice were given energy drinks and alcohol together they would have a similar effect to mice who were given cocaine. The researchers also detected increased levels of ΔFosB, which is marker of long-term changes in neurochemistry. The mice that were exposed to caffeinated alcohol during adolescence were less sensitive to the effects of cocaine. Which means a mouse would use more cocaine to get the same feeling as a control mouse. 

I found this article interesting since many adolescents and young adults tend to drink energy drinks. In class we learned about addiction and conditioned/ learn tolerance. When the article described how a mouse that was exposed to caffeinated alcohol would need more cocaine then a control mouse, it reminded me of conditioned tolerance.  



  1. This article is relevant today because being in college, I see people actually mix energy drinks and alcohol together and I never really knew the reasoning behind it. I thought it was because alcohol is a depressant and can make people tired so they would drink energy drinks for a pick me up but to find out that it can cause similar effects to those who take cocaine is scary. Alcohol and energy drinks can be easily obtained, I fear the dangers of those who are uninformed of this. I would like to compare the withdrawal symptoms of these rats to see if there are any differences.


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