DNA Makes Impact on Mating Choices with Similar Academic Success

Summary: This article was about how DNA can affect mating choices with those of similar academic success. People who are predisposed for any high academic achievement are more likely to marry those with similar DNA. Most romantic partners are chosen through “associate mating” this means that people with similar phenotypes tend to pair up more often than randomization. This can go from skin color to age to intelligence to weight. It is more likely that people with similar education levels will pair up rather than those with different education levels. Researchers are predicting that this “associate mating” is going to increase genetically and social inequality in future generations. There was a study done to see if associative mating was present in DNA. The research was done on 1,600 cohabiting couples in the United Kingdom and was colead by Dr. David Hugh-Jones and Dr. Abdel Abdellaoui. Researchers found that individuals who have a strong genetic predisposition for higher education also had partners with higher education backgrounds. They also tested to see if the data could be explained by other factors such as simply meeting their partners because they lived in the same country. Individuals were rematched with random partners with the same education background in a similar geographical area. There is still a strong presence of associative mating for education. The associative mating on education is relevant to society because it could increase social inequality based on education and income. Due to the fact that social inequality is growing due to a biological factor, it will make it more of an obstacle to overcome social inequality.

I found this article to be interesting on how it can play into a factor of social inequality. If people are mating to others with similar educational backgrounds then more offspring will be of a higher educational background. In my experience I have dated guys with those of similar educational backgrounds that I have. Maybe it’s because I look to guys who are going to school to help bettering themselves, however I have dated guys that do not have similar educational backgrounds as me. There is nothing wrong with that either in my opinion. It is good to have diversity in life, however I feel as if the educational backgrounds goes hand in hand with similar interests. Education is important to some people because it shows those people have a similar interest in their future or mind set when it comes to education. This will make things every difficult to overcome social inequality because of the fact that we are doing natural selection and it is genetic. It would be easier if it is something we can control and who knows? Maybe we can control and change it. We can always date whoever we want regardless of educational background. Maybe people in society just choose not to because of similar interests. It is possible that they do not date those of the same educational background. My parents are not of the same educational background. My mom has her associates degree in paralegal studies, while my father did not go to college, but received some kind of education in the United States Navy.


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