Humans Are Genetically Predisposed to Kill Each Other

     Regrettably, it isn't anything new or out of the ordinary that people are killing and being killed by each other on a frighteningly regular basis. I'm sure most (if not all) of us have heard about or even seen unthinkable violence enacted on someone or something by another human.

     Aggression is regulated by the prefrontal cortex, which acts to suppress aggression. Among the two types of aggression, this article is concerned with predatory aggression, which is observed in humans by planned/premediated violent crimes against others. The article even lists ways in which violence is used in consumption for entertainment: animal fighting--bullfighting and dog fighting, hunting, and historically, roman colosseums.

     Out of 1,024 mammalian species studied, violence against one's own kind was determined to be about 2.1%, much higher than that of the average for all other species. This is also seen in primates, whom also display a high rate of intraspecies violence. This may be contributed to greater intelligence; humans have much larger cerebral hemispheres as compared to the rest of the brain. The frontal lobes can regulate and "tone down" aggression, but when a burst of rage arises, it is much quicker than the reaction of the frontal lobes. However, there are two other factors that undeniably play a central role in lethal violence among humans: territoriality and social environment. In order to make a positive step towards decreasing, and hopefully ending violence, understanding all three of these components is extremely important.


  1. I find this article very interesting, especially with the events that occurred today in Ohio. Since territory and society is created by people, I wonder how we could change it and follow the changes in our genes? I wonder if it would be possible to relatively change them at the same time since changes in genes take a long time.

  2. I thought this article was interesting because there is so much violence, hate and aggression in this world. I think that the environment plays a role in violence and aggressive behaviors. If someone grew up in a violent neighborhood where killing was common then it may not seem to be a big deal to just kill someone that you have a problem with.

  3. This article also made me think of children who get their aggressive tendencies from violent video games and tv shows. If children are allowed to be exposed to such harsh topics at such a young age, can it eventually transpire into something much more serious such as killing?

  4. This is very interesting because of the amount of violence that is present in this world. Of course social environment plays a factor because we learn from society around us. This can reassure those who are against violent video games, however it is also a concept of nature as well. The argument of nature vs. nurture is back at it again.

  5. I take a personal interest in this article seeing as I would like to continue studying criminal psychology. I find a few things interesting within the article but as I read the links with the brain and violence I couldn't help but to think what I have also learned. I find it fascinating that science can actually use brain scans in order to possibly get a killer a sentence in a psych ward instead of prison. I wonder if the same areas of the brain would show defects in the scans for events like the article explains.

  6. After reading this article my first question is that I am just curious as to whether the author would be interested into doing any further research studying those people with Antisocial Personality Disorder or Sociopaths? Just because seeing this title caught my eye and reminded me of the memorable Hannibal Lector that was able to attack people by the means of his mouth with no remorse or anything. When I first read up on real world Hannibals the thought dawned on me that really all people are capable to attacking each others just as dogs or any other animal would, with their mouths. The author touches on the fact that a lot of are actions as humans are dependent on our social surroundings, so in that case if biting others was not taboo then would more people do it? I will say this full article is definitely very eye opening on many levels besides just physiologically.


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