Scientific Reasons Teens Love Loud Music

Not a day goes by that my house sounds like we live at a stadium where a band is playing a concert. I ask my kids to lower the music other people live here. The answer I get most of the time is Dad the music is not that loud. Well I must be getting old I thought until I read this article. Teens like to feel euphoria but why? Research shows that there are 3 main reasons why loud music helps teenagers. This Danish study in 2014 gave these reasons. (1) The listener can feel and enjoy the music better when it is louder. (2)The music allowed the teens to get lost in the music. (3)They get energy from the loudness of the music.

In the inner ear called the sacculus, loud music stimulates this tiny part of the ear. It has pleasure sensors in the hypothalamus. The louder the music the brain releases more endorphins. 90 decibels activates the sacculus and helps "self-stimulation"through the ear.

Today there is no more real evidence why teenagers love loud music, Adults can't understand why teens listen to such horrible music. Research also shows that teens hear differently than older adults, we can say that we hear the songs contrarily. Still we tell our kids to turn down the music or they will go deaf. That part is certainly TRUE,  this loud music effects a persons hearing. This loud music helps a teenager with comfort and distracts them from the pressures and stressors that young people endure.

This article opened my eyes and when I discussed with my kids we all smiled and laughed which brought us closer together.


  1. This is very interesting. I have a teenager brother and he always listens to loud music. We often tell him about the negative effects of loud music, but we were not aware of the positive effects of it. I guess after reading the article I have a better understanding of why and in what ways listening to loud music can help teens cope with stress.

  2. I'm glad this research brought you closer to your family. When I was 19 i was working with coworkers who were 22 and 29 years old. One of them brought up this hearing test on youtube that is supposed to help you measure how old your ears are. The video plays different decibels and what age you should be to be able to hear it. The 22 year old coworker and I couldn't hear the 17,000 hz one whereas the 29 year old coworker couldn't hear the 15,000 hz tone.

  3. I find this very interesting as a young adult who does tend to listen to music very loudly. I never thought about the reason why I liked listening to music so loud, but now that I think about it, it does relax me when I am driving around in my car and in some ways it distracts me from everything else that's going on around me. It is really cool that there are actually pleasure sensors in the ear that react to loud music and release endorphins. This just goes to show that there really is a biological reason for almost everything we experience in life!

  4. I find this article very interesting since I tend to listen to music very loudly. I have noticed that only during certain times of the day, like the afternoon, do I like to listen to music in high volumes. I wonder if the place and time also effects the concept of how loud we prefer to listen to music.


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