The connection between leaky gut and atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis, or eczema is an autoimmune skin condition in which skin is red, itchy, and inflamed. Eczema may flare up as a reaction to seasonal changes, certain foods, stress, or other factors for some people and may occur all year long for others. In a recent study, researchers examined connections between atopic dermatitis and leaky gut. In class we learned that all diseases begin in the gut because signals go from the gut to the brain by the vagus nerve and through the bloodstream. Our gut health and intestinal system is reflected on our skin. A healthy gut successfully absorbs nutrients from food while preventing foreign substances from entering into the bloodstream. Leaky gut is occurs when the lining of the gut becomes irritated and forms holes in the lining, giving larger food particles, toxins, bacteria, and other pathogens an escape into the blood. The body’s immune system reacts to these foreign substances by sending pro-inflammatory cytokines to fight off these “infections” in the blood, thus leading to autoimmune diseases such as eczema.
Research has found a strong correlation between people with atopic dermatitis and leaky gut that can be found as early as infancy. Findings also emphasize the importance of gut microbiota which is found in the linings of the intestines and aids in digestion, metabolism, a healthy immune system, and mental health. Leaky gut is the outcome of an imbalance of good and bad bacteria within the gut. This research also explains that food allergies can occur from leaky gut because of the immunes system attack on foreign substances in the bloodstream, which causes us to release immunoglobulin (a protein that acts as an antibody to fight off the unwanted substances). This immunoglobulin protein is found in people with allergies and causes a release of histamine when allergens are present. Researchers suggest taking probiotics to increase the amount of good bacteria in the gut to heal a leaky gut. Treatment of the gut has been found successful by changes in the diet, specifically eliminating irritating foods from the diet. Foods that cause irritation may differ person to person, so more research is necessary to fully understand which foods exactly are the root cause of this skin disease.
By allowing the holes in the gut to remain open, the immune system could be hyperactive for a prolonged period of time which can lead to autoimmune diseases and eventually breach the blood-brain barrier and attack brain tissue. If you suffer from eczema or any other consequences of a leaky gut including, depression, brain fog, metabolic problems, allergies, asthma, or other skin and autoimmune diseases this is a sign from the body that the gut needs healing.


  1. I find this so interesting. But is leaky gut actual holes or just increased gut permeability? In the articles I've read they've talked about small gaps and loose junctions but nothing large. Also, when eczema and leaky gut are both present what exactly should you eat? A lot of the foods listed as helping the leaky gut are also foods that cause "flare ups" in eczema.


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