detect off-target effects of CRISPR

David Fregly

CRISPR is a method of gene editing that allows scientists to edit specific parts of a selected subjects DNA. One problem with CRISPR is that when it makes cuts in DNA, there is a chance that it could make cuts into other sections on the DNA that were not intended to be cut. So scientists at the Gladstone Institutes and the Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI), with collaborators at AstraZeneca did research on how to track the locations of where the DNA was cut to figure out where cuts in the DNA were made. This is because there are issues that can arise from the unintended cuts in the DNA.
The article relates to psychology, and physiology in that with the advancments in CRISPR technology, there is a chance we will be able to prevent genetic diseases, as well as gain a better understanding of how genes effect human behavior. CRISPR could be developed to help with antibiotics that are more targeted to specific bacteria and more.


  1. I am glad someone posted an article about CRISPR I didnt know whether to choose to make mine on this or what i originally chose. I think CRISPR is an awesome new way of editing genes if it stays out of the whole concept of "designer babies". I know the program revolves around editing genes to cancel out genetic disorders of all types like MS and many others. I did mine on David Sinclair's anti aging which involves giving a NMN (NAD+) "booster" shot to increase the growth of healthy and long lasting capillaries. Those capillaries lead to better oxygenation and blood flow delivered to tissues, muscles, and organs. I can only imagine how gene splitting and anti aging techniques can work together come the future. Maybe eliminate all or most genetic influenced illnesses/diseases.

  2. The CRISPR technology is rapidly growing and could be beneficial in so many ways in the brain. Several years ago, I had the opportunity to hear Dr. Sam Sternberg, who did his graduate work focusing on CRISPR at the University of California, talk about all the advances that would come over the years related to CRISPR and the brain. In one article, several researchers explained how CRISPR was allowing them to identify the genes in cancer stem cells that were necessary for the growth of the cancerous cells. By using CRISPR, the researchers were able to identify and block a gene which slowed the growth of the tumor in the brain cancer being studied.

  3. CRISPR technology is a revolutionary piece of work that Geneticists have been able to come up with. The editing of genes is an important tool and with the Cas 9 system it is actually effective. The purpose of gene editing is to understand how to replicate target genes or cut them out of they of the cell in order to cease functioning. CRISPR can be used for a wide variety of diseases so it would be good to specify on which psychological disease it could help doesn't. It is a very interesting topic because it offers a wide range of options when it comes to dealing with these diseases . This is one of the leading ways to understanding if it is possible to eliminate disease by using this system.


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