Light, Physical Activity Reduces Brain Aging

In our everyday lives, we are constantly taught as people that exercising is extremely important for our over all well being. In this article, the researcher provides evidence that when engaging in constant physical activity, individuals that do so may be able to prevent declination of cognitive abilities, and dementia. Whether it being a full on early morning workout five days a week, or simply twenty minutes of walking here or there, evidence suggests that "Active individuals have lower metabolic and vascular risk factors and these risk factors may explain their propensity for healthy brain aging." For substantial health benefits, it is important for people to engage in 150 minutes or more of "moderate-to-vigorous" activity throughout the week to see substantial results. Scientists provide data that led to researchers concluding that with each hour of time spent doing some sort of physical activity, can lead to about 1.1 years of less brain aging. This new information is very significant. With simple exercise, the potential benefits certainly excel over losing brain cognition, and developing these mental diseases. Nicole Spartano of Boston University School of Medicine even spoke on the health benefits of those that don't have a high level of physical activity, they will still see results. Based upon this article, I would have to say that physical activity as it's related to brain health is extremely important. For there to be any type of declination of major cognitive disease due to mild physical activity, I would think that it's important for everyone to be active daily, even if it is for only twenty minutes.

In the second chapter of, "Brain Rules" by John Medina, Medina states the importance of physical activity for all people. He explains that physical exercise is not solely for one's body, but for their brain cognition. When a human's body is in motion, our brains receive more blood-flow that in the end provides our bodies with glucose for energy, and oxygen used to soak up the toxic electrons that are left over. So just imagine when your body is at a constant resting position, and is never in motion. You gain absolutely no energy, and the toxins in your body stay. Not only for the physical body, exercise is important for your emotional health as well. Many people look at exercise as a way to get rid of unwanted, and unneeded stress. Stress that can come from living a daily life as a human, is also stress that can be depleted by just working out, and finding other outlets to rid of it. With laziness, depression, and anxiety on the rise, it is much more essential to try to maintain a healthy body now more than ever in order to fully evolve our brains.


  1. Brain again can also be reduced by eating a healthier diet. In this article I found they tested how diet can effect our again brain. They found the the Mediterranean diet is actually the best diet for again adults. It has the key nutrients that promote healthy brain functions and the connectivity networks working as best as possible. These nutrients include omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, lycopene, carotenoids, riboflavin, folate, vitamin B-12, and vitamin D. The more efficient they connectivity network work, the easier it is for that person to recall information. After 2 years they found that the results stayed stable over time.


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