Temple Grandin on Visual Thinking and Animal Behavior
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wxewRynV3g In the video “Visual Thinking and Animal Behavior,” Temple Grandin details the different types of minds and why she thinks it’s important for them to all work together. Temple is an Autistic Savant who has done extensive work bettering the lives of both Autistic people and Animals through creating a deeper sense of understanding of how they think. Temple details all the way her photorealistic mind works, including how she has a seemingly infinite database of images that she can recall and also manipulate, making “movies.” It was this ability that allowed her to visualize cattle chutes in her mind and design one that efficiently uses the animals natural behavior in order to maintain movement through the chute. Temple details how the animal mind and the autistic mind process similarly, both being visual thinkers and thus increasingly sensitive to how things look. Temple then outlines the other types of minds, including...