Loss of Brain Synchrony May Explain Working Memory Limits


It is no secret that our working memory capacity is limited. A new study from City, University of London and MIT indicates that our limited working memory capacity may be a result of a breakdown in communication amongst the parts of the brain responsible for maintaining memory. According to the authors, suggest the synchrony of brain waves amongst three regions of the brain breaks down when visual working memory reaches its capacity.  The researchers analyzed the data from playing memory games with animal subjects to prove their hypothesis. Subjects were tasked with distinguishing the difference when presented with a set of squares on a screen followed by a blank screen and then an identical set of squares (with one square's color changed). Researchers measured the timing and frequencies of brain waves produced by neurons in the prefrontal cortex, frontal eye fields (FEF), and the lateral intraparietal area (LIP). Statistical analysis shows that these regions work together to maintain working memory. Researchers also discovered that above memory capacity, the prefrontal cortex synchrony with the  FEF and LIP stopped. Their findings are said to possibly explain the finite limits of our memory capacity. Dr. Pinotisis, the lead author, stated “Understanding brain signals at peak load can help us understand the origins of cognitive impairments. This could lead to new therapeutic approaches for people in need, like schizophrenics.” The future of understanding cognition by studying brain signals and communications amongst various areas of the brain seems, without doubt, promising.

As someone with a curiosity for understanding the intricacy of our memory and the brain, this article sparks an interest in me. This article could direct us to the next few steps of treating diseases such as dementia and improving the overall working memory of a person. I believe this study is also significant to how we handle information and the process of retaining information from the working memory. Most of all, this research makes room for more study of the components of the brain using electrophysiology.


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