Brain-training games don’t really train brains, a new study suggests


Summary: Studies is shown that the brain training games appear to have no more effect on healthy brains than the video games. Scientists did the studies, where people were able to choose and play either Lumosity brain-training games or regular video games. The studies last for 10 weeks. There was no evidence that commercial brain-training leads to improvements in memory, decision-making, sustained attention or ability to switch between mental tasks. When the scientists said that the brain training games do not work, the Lumosity insisted that brain-training games improve the performance. Specifically better on some mental tasks than crossword puzzles. However, other studies have suggested that the brain games increase activity in the executive control network, only some have shown the increase in everyday activities.The professor Mara Mather had an idea that the people who have suffered from brain injuries or addiction might also respond differently. Which means that it will all depend on the environment that people are grown up.


  1. Reflection: This article reminded me about my childhood when I loved to play the games for solving puzzles. I still have big collection of them and my mother don't know what to do with them. The article says that the brain training games is actually a "myth" That there been studies that proves that the games don't change our brain knowledge capacity. I think that for these studies they need to include the psychological point of view. These games relax people moods they calm them down and make them focus. If a child is hyperactive and he is interested in those games it would help them to concentrate and learn how to focus on one particular assignment which will help with their school homework.

  2. I still play games on apps such as Lumosity with the intent of exercising my brain. I guess it just calms me down more and helps me to focus. sometimes I do feel a whole lot smarter when I get really high scores and honestly, I really do think it works


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