Is a broken heart bad or you?

A broken heart is probably one of the worst feelings in the world. People often equate brokenheartedness with being punched in the stomach. Heartbreak causes several effects on your body.When you're in love, dopamine and oxytocin are released.  Dopamine can have a person experiencing happiness and pleasure. When you experience a heartbreak, your body releases stress hormones (epinephrine). A terrible breakup can have you questioning your identity. Also, heartbreak can lead to depression.

The content is related to the topic emotions. A stimulus causes a psychological response, then produces a feeling of emotion.Heartbreak and physical pain share common neural responses.The anterior cingulate and the anterior insulae are two areas of the brain that process the emotional and distressing aspects of physical pain. These parts of the brain tell us that we are experiencing an unpleasurable feeling or emotion..


  1. Heartbreak can definitely also lead to many physiological effects such as heavy breathing, full body tension, and even crying. One could believe their existence is no longer of importance. The amygdala would be active when relating to a broken. heart also, the negative emotions of fear and anxiety are active when one has experienced a break up. After one has been with another for some time and has become deeply vulnerable, uncertainty and anxiety will be factors in their emotional state during that time of the part.

  2. Long term stress due to something as emotionally compromising as a broken heart can lead to long term negative physical effects such as illness. We discussed in class how long term stress can compromise the intestinal barrier and allow the bacteria that reside in the gut to travel into the blood stream. This can manifest as many symptoms such as depression, brain fog, allergies and autoimmune diseases.

  3. I think it's also interesting to note that there is often times a great disruption in one's routine following a breakup. We are forced to relearn old patterns or develop new ones to cope with the change in lifestyle that occurs as a result of a separation. Our mental state is tied intimately to our health; and similar to with what we have learned about emotion; feeling negative emotions, or frowning does have a real affect on one's health or brain patterns.

  4. Posted by Brandon Jones (again)


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