A New Drug Could Help Treat Spinal Muscular Atrophy


Summary: Spinal Muscular Atrophy or SMA is a gene mutation that doesn't allow the proper production of a protein for muscles that allow us to walk, move our arms, breathe. This typically ends up deteriorating them over time. There are different levels of severity to this sad disease that could lead to death. Researchers at University of Missouri think they found a way to help treat the SMA by slowing down the process of deterioration. Humans carry a gene that is alike to the SMN1 gene that is effected causing SMA, called SMN2. The only difference is it only creates a small amount of the protein needed for the muscles unlike SMN1. The medication is supposed to help produce more of the protein needed. They have tested the medication on mice that have showed signs of SMA and it has slowed down the quick process by giving an extra 5 months. If this were to be successful on humans in the future it could help children's lives be longer and allow them to have their independence for a bit longer or could even lead to a cure so another person doesn't have to suffer from this cruel disease.

Reaction: Personally having connections to this sad disease and possibly even being a carrier of this it is amazing to hear that there is possible hope for SMA. Those who suffer from the milder forms of SMA gradually have muscles weaken that often go from you walking to needing a walker/assistance getting around, to being in a wheelchair. This connects to physiological psychology by propioception decreasing since the positions and movements of the limbs and body lessen, tension in the muscle weakens, and you don't have the muscle definition after a certain point. This also connects to class from the muscle types; skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Even though the brain wants to move the body the weakening and deterioration of this three muscle types doesn't allow it to happen. Some symptoms can be a little similar to MS where there can be movement impairments.


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