Music Training Changes Children's Brain Structure

Music Training Changes Children’s Brain Structure and Boost Decision Making Network

Summary: In as little as two years, music instruction can have multiple benefits. Music instruction boost areas of the brain that are important for decision making as well was attention and impulse inhibition. In order to track this information, doctors have used fMRI’s and EEGs to track activity in the brain. In Children who have received musical training had stronger connectivity in their corpus collosum and differences in thickness of the auditory areas.

Connection: I remember in fourth grade when I decided to play the violin. From fourth grade until twelfth I continued with music lessons and practiced every week. Music was an outlet for me where I could be with my friends and express myself through the music we played. During that time I received many social benefits from music but I was unaware of the mental benefits that music can provide.  In Brain Rules, John Medina talks about how music can boost language, listening as well as social skills.  He also talks about the stress relieving qualities of music. Dopamine is also released when listening to music. Dopamine is important in processes such as feeling pleasure to memory formation.  I think schools are a great place to start teaching children music. Increased social capabilities and decreased stress may lead to children to feel more comfortable in school. Music Therapy is another interesting topic that was introduced in my personality course. Music therapy can be used to build someones confidence and help with stress relief.


  1. Hi Jess,
    I think sometimes we underestimate the importance of certain subjects because we don't know the significance and benefits of them. I work with young children and have been for a while. I have noticed that the children who play instruments as young as they are show greater understanding in the things that I teach. Their approach to learning is completely different and they seem more confident and open to learning new things.

  2. Learning music is very beneficial for cognitive functions. It most definitely improves attention skills because you really have to pay attention in order to learn music especially learning how to play an instrument. In my cognitive class we discussed how people who play musical instruments helps with being able to listen better to things.


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