Impact of a Genetic Risk Factor For Substance Use Differs By Sex in Adolescents - Deja Hooks

Article: Impact of a Genetic Risk Factor For Substance Use Differs By Sex in Adolescents


A Study was conducted examine the how substance use differs by sex in adolescents. The study was conducted by Penn State University and Georgetown University medical center neuroscientists. The research involved looking at a genotype via saliva samples and gray matter volume in the brain by MRI of 101 adolescents who haven’t started to partake in consuming alcohol. It was discovered that an allele in the dopamine receptor delayed the maturation of a very important brain region that is involved in “reward-related” planning in boys. However, in girls, this was not an issue. In girls a different allele of the dopamine receptor gene delayed cortical maturation.


Recently in class the topic of addiction was discussed. This discovery is particularly interesting and important because the amount of overdoes from drug use and drug addiction is rapidly increasing.  Studies also show that there are more men who use different substances than women. Addiction is a brain disease and changes the brain and alters the healthy, normal functioning of it. More research on genetic factors that may play a role in substance use can lead to discoveries of ways to help prevent substance use at a young age and/or reveal new signs and warnings that will show if a person is at risk for substance abuse over others.


  1. Genetics has been shown to play a large role in determining an individual’s susceptibility to addiction. The medical field is moving towards using genetics to create personalized treatment plans that are tailored to work best with a patient’s particular genetic code. Since genetics is a contributing factor to addiction, it will be interesting to see where research takes us as far as personalized medicine for treatment of addiction goes. It may be more effective than some of the current methods of treatment that have such high relapse rates.

  2. I think this is amazing that they are taking steps toward finding ways to treat addictions. Unfortunately substance abuse and overdosing is a huge problem and to be able to genetically help someone. This will be huge because it will allow doctors to be able to treat you following your genetic code making an individual plan for you. Relapse happens a lot and if you can create a personal plan for someone it may reduce the relapse rate dramatically. Allowing to possibly make medicine for you as an individual that take pharmacology to a whole new level with personalized medicine for only you.


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