Your Body's Second Brain

There was a study done, that found a link between people's diets and there chances of developing depression. After analyzing their evidence they found that people who followed a " Mediterranean Diet", which is primarily consist of consuming plant based foods, had a "33% lower risk of being diagnosed with depression compared to people who were least likely to follow these eating habits. They also found that oxidative stress, insulin resistance, and inflammation also have a link and can be controlled by people's diets. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your body. In the article they state that treatments for depression, with antidepressants have been found to be effective in only "1 in 3". They are suggesting that people need to also take their diets into account when trying to treat and prevent depression. The researchers also say that along with eating the right things one must overall live a healthy lifestyle. This means engaging in exercise, not smoking or drinking, etc.

In class we discussed how the foods we consume feeds on certain bacteria in our gut. There are 400 known intestinal microbiota. Toxins in our diets can cause gut infections which kill off the good intestinal microbiota that we need. Our guts has its own system, known as the enteric nervous system. The Enteric System has its own neurons and sensory receptors. In class we also discussed how stress effects our gut by delaying small intestinal digestion, or consumption of food.

When you are younger you don't really ponder much about the foods you eat. Most of the time you eat the things you like. It doesn't matter if our diets are filled with gut inflammatory substances such as processed meats and trans fats. However as you get older you want to live your optimal life, in order to do this you have to be healthy all around. You notice that when you eat fatty, greasy foods, you often feel tired and dont want to do much until that food has fully digested. I do not fully agree with the article, however I do agree that people who comsume healtier foods are at a lower risk of being diagnised with depression. I feel that people who are more aware of the things that they are consuming and how it is going to affect them overall, not just their hunger; already engage in other healthy behaviors.


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  2. I think parents need to take an active role in what their children eat. Most times we let children eat whatever they like because, well, they're children but we need to start thinking about how it will affect them in the long run. we are literally what we eat. when we eat food that nourishes us, it becomes protein building blocks, enzymes and neurotransmitters that transfer information and signals between various parts of the brain and body.


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