Artificial sweeteners have toxic effects on gut microbiota

Dorin Harpaz, Loo Yeo, Francesca Cecchini, Trish Koon, Ariel Kushmaro, Alfred Tok, Robert Marks, Evgeni Eltzov. Measuring Artificial Sweeteners Toxicity Using a Bioluminescent Bacterial Panel. Molecules, 2018; 23 (10): 2454 DOI: 10.3390/molecules23102454

American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. (2018, October 1). Artificial sweeteners have toxic effects on gut microbes. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 15, 2018 from

E. coli. bacteria was modified to become bio luminescent when exposed to toxins and was then exposed to 6 artificial sweeteners, aspartame, sucralose, saccharine, neotame, advantame, and acesulfame potassium-k. When the bacteria was exposed to only 1 mg/ml of the sweetener it became toxic. This implicates serious concerns for the public health since these artificial sweeteners are so prevalent. 

The gut microbiome is very important in many bodily functions and psychological processes. Having a health gut microbiome has been shown to improve overall bodily health in a multitude of ways. Gut bacteria can impact their host in ways such as controlling cravings, digesting foods, and controlling hormone production that prevent depression, obesity, and anxiety. Artificial sweeteners are found in foods, sports drinks, and reduced calorie sodas. The public is largley unaware and ignorant of the negative effects that artifical sweeteners may have on he gut microbiota. Many people exclusivley drink artificially sweetened drinks to avoid calories. This may be having the opposite effect, since a healthy gut biome can prevent obesity.


  1. I think this is a very interesting topic of research. Considering what we know about the impacts of the gut microbiota on a person's mental and physical health, this is an important topic to understand. Since we know that toxins in a person's diet can destroy gut bacteria, it makes sense that toxins found in artificial sweeteners would also destroy gut bacteria. I would be interested to know if the specific gut bacteria being harmed by artificial sweeteners is similar to the the toxins in pesticides which inhibits GABA production and in turn inhibits cognitive processes like anxiety and other emotions. I'm curious what other toxic substances, like articifical sweeteners, also impact gut bacteria.

  2. This article is very important and interesting especially since artificial sweeteners are so progressive in the food and drink industry. It is very true that microbiota is very important in gut health so for these industries to completely disregard the health of their consumers is outrageous. People should know the harmful effects of artificial sweeteners before drinking or eating them. Damage to gut bacteria can lead to an inflammatory response. I would like to know how much of a product containing artificial sweetener would have to be ingested in order for an extensive amount of gut bacteria to be affected.

  3. This article is really interesting as it relates back to our discussion in class about artificial sweeteners tricking the brain into thinking that glucose is entering the body. After reading this article, it seems to have a full circle adverse affect on the gut and subsequently, the brain. The foods with artificial sweeteners are the ones we sometimes crave, since it is feeding certain microbiota. It is true that as consumers, people are not fully aware of the ingredients they are consuming. Since these artificial sweeteners are so toxic, it is easy to fathom how these toxins being released into the bloodstream can reek havoc on the body.

  4. This article highlights information that could help many people. Artificial sweeteners are very common, and are used by people who do not consider the consequences of what they put in their body. Our gut microbiome is crucial for our health so its imperative that we don't feed our gut with harmful bacteria. Learning that there is a link between E.coli and artificial sweetener is concerning because E.coli can be dangerous and can impact many people if a break out occurs.

  5. Things like this just make you want to be more aware of the things that you are consuming. We need all of our microbitoa in order for us to live optimal lives, and just as everyone else is saying people comsume sweetners everyday putting these toxins in their bodies harming our Enteric System. Along with destroying our gut they are causing inflammation. Inflammation in the gut then leads to many other issues such as lupis, depression, skin, problems, etc. There is more to being healthy than just exercising.


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