Sleep deprivation associated with adolescent risky behavior

Summary: Adolescents require 8-10 hours of sleep a night. Studies have shown that when individuals do not get enough sleep their health and behavior can suffer. It is shown that lack of sleep can cause learning difficulties, impaired decision making and other health issues. In a new study researchers found a correlation between hours of sleep and risk-taking behaviors in high school students. Accidents associated with lack of sleep are one of the leading causes of death among adolescents. Sleep is crucial for optimal health and can have effects on every part of your body and behavior in ways you are not consciously aware of. Students who reportedly slept less than 6 hours were more prone to use drugs and alcohol and more likely to attempt suicide.

Review: Sleep deprivation has many long lasting effects on health. A brain structure called the ventricles play an important role when we are sleeping. The ventricles act as a waste management system to clear out plaques our brain has created while we are awake. Sleep is overlooked and it isn’t seen as a priority. This article points out the importance of sleep for adolescents but does not inform about the importance of sleep for adults. Sleep is important for all ages to maintain optimal health.


  1. I agree with you that sleep is important for everyone. When I get less than 5 hours of sleep I feel that I cant focus/concentarte as well as I would if I would have been in bed by 10. Its hard for people our age anyway to get a full nights rest every night because along with being students, we also work. Eventually this takes a toll on our health.

    Too while we are sleep our brains are restoring information that is taken in throughout the day. This is too why professors say to study over time and not to cram the night before because it is too much information to anazlyze and you still wont be getting a rull nights rest.

  2. Sleep is definitely plays a huge role in restoring like Dayjana said, and it also prevents certain problems such as heart failure, and mental illnesses. I agree that sleep is so important not only for adolescents but for adults as well. I think studies that are centered around sleep deprivation are centered around adolescents too often. Adults do not get enough talk about how important sleep is for them, and i feel they too should be included in articles such as these. In my Psychology of aging class, we were told how likely an adult can wound up with memory problems due to things like sleep deprivation and lack of physical activity. Although it is good to try to alert adolescents ahead of time, current adults are going to progress in life without knowing the huge problems that can approach them if they do not sleep.

  3. This study should serve as an important wake up call to law makers. The legal age to be employed in the U.S. is 14. 14 and 15 year old employees are protected under federal law and cannot work over 40 hours a week and can work no more than 3 hours on school days. This protection is not extended to minors 16+. This age group has no federal hour-per-week limit; but some states offer more strict working hours for this group. (OSHA Education Center, n.d.)

    This relaxed approach to federal law making can subject minors to conditions that are actively impeding their success in school and work as well as increasing the likelihood for behavioral issues. This is especially evident in low income areas where minors often have to work to help support their families. These areas also experience lower student performance in schools as well as disproportionate rates of disciplinary issues and encounters with law enforcement.

    OSHA Education Center. (n.d.). Child Labor Laws - Facts and Misconceptions.

  4. sleep deprivation is very common in our society and its seriousness is not understood at all. in class we talked about the pre frontal cortex and how it helps in making critical decisions. research has shown that sleep deprivation affects the functions of the pre frontal cortex hence reducing our ability to make important decisions for our lives.

  5. Nice read. A very strong study on overall sleep and what it can cause in terms of behavior. As you know, this sleep deprivation is causing many problems for individuals these days. I think it is important for professors and other high level indidividuals who are getting good amounts of sleep to educate the people who are not. That could help this conversation I think. Whole life can change if more sleep is added into the schedule. It is just a matter of organization and following your words, act on it right away. In our class, we have spoken about how hippocampus is important for memory. Sleep loss can have a major impact on the hippocampl functioning. It is a vulnerable part.

  6. This is yet another example that emphasizes the importance that getting the required amount of sleep has on an individual's daily functioning and behavior. When you are constantly deprived the hours of sleep your brain needs for restoration, you are negatively impacting areas also associated with behavior such as the prefrontal cortex. This is something that needs to be made more aware of because in the adolescent age the prefrontal cortex has not fully developed yet. Because of this, the act of risky behavior increases since their sense of judgement is also impaired due to the lack of sleep. Overall, sleep is essential in restoring our brains functions and the lack of it can lead to negative consequences.


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