Molecules found that could possibly delay aging

Everyone fears aging. They do not want to get older and experience weaker muscles and bones, deteriorating memory and brain functions, higher risks for diseases, etc. People have been trying to combat aging for hundreds and thousands of years.

Researchers from Concordia University and Idunn Technologies have been doing research on six different plant extracts that can affect aging. The plant extracts affect the signaling pathways in the body. The positive thing about these extracts are that Canada has deemed them safe for human's to eat and digest. While all six work to delay aging, Salix Alba is the one that is the most effective.

The researchers used yeast to determine the effectiveness of these six extracts. The reason they used yeast was because the cellular aging process is similar in both the yeast and humans. When using the yeast, they studied how the information was moving through the signaling pathways to regulate aging and compared it to how the information was moving with the assistance of the six plant extracts.

There were a few things that they noticed about how the extracts affected the yeast. They noticed that the extract would imitate the same effects as caloric restricting diets; they elicit a "mild stress response"; they add longevity to the yeast better than any other compound known to increase life longevity; they slow down the signals moving through the pathways associated with aging; these extracts perform the same effects in other organisms that are not yeast. The researchers believe that these extracts may help to delay and perhaps even prevent age-related diseases such as Parkinson's, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, etc.

I really enjoyed reading this article because aging terrifies me, especially Alzheimer's. I've been watching my great grandparents deteriorate physically and mentally for years. I watched my great grandmother's dementia grow increasingly worse. I am currently seeing signs of Alzheimer's in my father starting to show up and he is only 47 years old. My mother has begun to get injured easier just doing every day activities that did not use to hurt her. Even if the extract gives a year or two of a delay, it would be amazing. It would give me more time with my parents. Perhaps the study could expand even further and help my generation live longer for our kids/future kids.


  1. Yeast is in fact a good comparison to test since it is technically a "living" thing. However, I do not agree with what the researchers think about the possibility of this extract delaying or even stoping age-related diseases. The reason behind this is that any product that can supposedly slow aging is for the skin, nothing internally. Those who take this extract would have the appearance of looking younger, but everything internally is still aging at its normal rate.

  2. I have never heard of something that can potentially reduce the aging process. Though it seems very interesting and would be great for us to have those we want close to us to live longer, I can't seem to shake off what Tina said in the above comment. I also believe that it can be very hard to change the internal aspects of aging even if the exterior can look young. If there was a way to make sure that physiologically those changes can alter the body entirely in a positive way, then it would be beneficial particularly for individuals who are suffering with mental health issues on a day to day basis. I wonder how that would work in response to hormones and areas of the brain. How would those changes create positive or negative effects for our development as humans and would it cause some form of mutation? Many questions can be brought about how valid and ethical this process can be.


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