Sniffing Pleasant Odors may Decrease Cigarette Cravings Smoking today is known to be an addictive habit. In fact, a significant group of people who want to quit smoking will relapse after roughly two weeks of not smoking. However, a new study from the APA has shown that smokers who sniff a pleasant smell prior to smoking will have an easier time resisting the urge to smoke. In this study, the researchers selected 232 smokers from the ages of 18-55. First, the participants were exposed to multiple different smells and asked to identify the most pleasant smell to them. Then, participants were asked to light a cigarette and rate (from 1-100) their desire to smoke that cigarette. After the participants gave a rating, they were given a container to sniff the odor that each participant said was most pleasant. The results suggest that sniffing the pleasant odor while a cigarette was lit caused the craving of smoking the cigarette to decrease. The researchers believe that the ple...
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