The Brain Basis of "Hatred of Sound" : Misophonia
Misophonia is hearing a particular sound that makes a person aggravated, irritated or angry. The common types of trigger sounds are pen clicking, chewing on food, and breathing. A person that is misophonic will experience a physiological arousal from the trigger sound. Their body will enter a state called "Fight or Flight", which is a part of the sympathetic system. The person first response will be actions of uncontrollable disgust, anger, or irritation to the people that are doing the trigger noises. Some people will try to suppress how they feel about the sounds they hear. Medical professionals believe misophonia is closely related to a psychiatric disorder. Misphonic individuals symptoms are similar to ADHD and OCD. This topic relates to a topic in Cognitive Psychology. It includes the cognitive processes and the outcome it has in the body.The auditory cortex process the trigger sound or stim...